Unit Franchise FAQs

Unit Franchise Opportunity FAQ

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When can I clean the customer’s facility?

Most customer facilities are cleaned after hours, usually after 6pm but before 7am.

Do I need a van?
Most customers have a janitorial closet so you leave your equipment there, and the personnel travel.

Who pays my employees?
We are responsible to pay you, and your corporation is responsible to pay your employees.

What if I get sick and cannot service my customers?
What we can do is introduce you to other franchisees in your area so you can network and build a relationship with other successful franchisees. In the event of illness or vacation you could contact someone in your network, and they could service your accounts. They same applies if they would call on you to assist them.

What if I want to go on a vacation, will there be someone to service my customers?
If you go on vacation you should arrange someone of trust to maintain your customer, and you must notify us in writing as to whom you have left as a contact in your absence or again use the network of Franchisees that you established a relationship with.

Can I get more accounts?
We can teach you how to get your own or by having a great relationship and providing quality service you can get referrals from you customers. We strongly recommend that you secure additional business using our sales program which is available to you at any time.

Would I have a key to the facilities I clean?
Most customers are serviced in the evenings; so generally, they do provide you with the keys.

How many accounts can I get?
It really depends on the size of the accounts. However the more accounts the more referrals!

How soon can I start after training?
Of course, we want to get you started as soon as possible. The important thing is that we want to make sure you are properly trained so you will succeed. If you succeed, we succeed!

If you are looking to own a small or part time business, fill out a unit franchise opportunity interest form today or call us at +1 (403) 367 7077 so we can connect you to the right opportunity.

We’ll connect you with your CleanNet Canada(™) representative, who will provide more information about the exciting opportunities that await you.


The level of service, on-going support, and personal commitment CleanNet Canada(™)has given us over the years has made it possible for us to succeed beyond our expectations. They continue to answer our questions and deal appropriately with the countless issues of running our business. Quote Image

- CleanNet Master Operator
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